Q&A with Jay: Eleanor Estes, CEO, Tech Providers, on Slackers vs. Qualified Candidates

Eleanor Estes is CEO of Tech Providers in Birmingham, AL, was looking for a deeper understanding into her company’s number one recruiting tool, JobDiva. She realized that investing in a powerful software tool wasn’t enough.

What was your motivation to look into Recruiting Factors?

JobDiva is so powerful and such an incredible tool, but if you don’t know how to use it, it’s worthless. We were using it to the best of our ability, but Jay came in to show us best practices.

What kind of improvements did Jay make to your business?

We gave him access to JobDiva’s back end to let him look at our workflow and ultimately assess how we could optimize everything. His optimizations impacted our workflow processes and how we run our business. The biggest fix was in our:

  • Harvester system
    • JobDiva has a setup that will automatically pull resumes and put them in our database. We were using harvesters, but it wasn’t optimal.
    • We pulled all our usernames into the harvesters so our recruiters weren’t wasting views we pay for. Every view we pay for is now in JobDiva and optimized perfectly.
    • We now get the bang for our buck we hoped for.

So you’re getting more resumes, but what about quality candidates?

It’s not just about the volume of candidates, but the quality as well. Jay excels at weeding out people who are slacking and just hiding in the system from people who actually want to work, which is incredible.

Overall, what was your experience like as a client of Recruiting Factors?

I’m a big fan of people who are good at their jobs, and Jay is great at what he does. He’s so thorough, explains things well, and ends up holding you accountable for the changes you’re trying to implement. It was a great investment for our company.


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