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Training & Consulting Services For Staffing & Recruiting Firms

Transform Your Staffing & Recruiting Firms Productivity With Our Industry Leading Best Practices

We Specialize In End-To-End Training For The Entire Organization

Unlock Month-Over-Month Repeatable and Predictable Profits Through Increased Sales and Recruiter Capabilities

What’s preventing you from achieving your full growth potential?

Schedule your free 30-minute discovery consultation to find out how we can help you make more placements, improve productivity and sustainably increase profits.

Our Expertise

Strategic Staffing Firm Advisory Consulting Solutions

Receive a comprehensive recruiting and sales life cycle Gap Analysis based on Recruitment Total Quality Management (RTQM) and a tailored performance optimization action plan designed to increase sales and recruiter performance outcomes. Receive continued support and live, real-time leadership and management training designed to help you run a lean and agile staffing organization.

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JobDiva® Consulting Services

Gain an significant competitive edge in how your users adopt JobDiva’s ATS/CRM functionality from end-to-end throughout your entire organization. Whether you have already deployed JobDiva or are considering it, Recruiting Factors can help you quickly get the greatest return-on-investment through increased user adoption so that your staff exploits its full functionality from day one.

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Recruiter & Sales Training

Recruiting and sales training that leverages customized documentation, as well as live video and audio designed to introduce best practices guaranteed to increase your net new headcount of consultants-on-billing.

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JobDiva® Power User Training

Let us turn your employees into JobDiva Power Users. We will train your recruiters, salespeople, leadership team, and back-office staff – helping them harness all the feature-rich and functional capabilities of JobDiva. Our custom JobDiva Training instills best practices and teaches repeatable processes, that when executed consistently, are proven to increase productivity. Relieve the frustration caused by not having the expertise in-house to completely benefit from your investment.

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Automated Onboarding Implementation Services

Provide a platinum candidate onboarding experience and increase your speed to market using JobDiva’s automated onboarding service. Let us do the legwork and build out your automated onboarding packages for you.

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Back Office Optimization Services

Fully leverage a streamlined, automated back-office solution for your staffing firm that eases the pain and frustration associated with connecting your front and back-office through enhanced timekeeping, smooth payroll systems integrations and advanced financial reporting.

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Why Recruiting Factors?

Improve Productivity & Workflow

Standardize your approach with repeatable processes, that when executed consistently, eliminate wasted time and drive growth.

Increase Performance & Sustain Growth

Increase individual contributor performance and ultimately your bottom line by replicating high revenue-driving behaviors.

Make Better Hires, Faster

Decrease ramp-up time of internal new hires using repeatable, real-world, experiential training and best practices.

Leverage The Full Capabilities Of JobDiva

Discover and harness the full suite of capabilities afforded to you through your technological investments and watch your investment pay off in exponential returns.

What’s preventing you from achieving your full growth potential?

Schedule your free 30-minute discovery consultation to find out how we can help you make more placements, improve productivity and sustainably increase profits.

We increase your staffing firm’s performance through real change in how your employees use JobDiva® intuitively.

Already using JobDiva ?

We'll show you how to leverage the full capabilities of JobDiva to beat your competition and grow your staffing firm using JobDiva best practices and our integration services.

Learn how to improve your workflow and increase proficiency in 30 minutes.

Get Started

Not on Jobdiva?

Learn how JobDiva can be used to grow your staffing firm and improve your workflow with our free integration consultation.

Learn how JobDiva can make a difference in your staffing firm.

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